Data gathering is the collection of data and variables necessary to address the problems of the community. One of the objectives for our first exposure is the data gathering and by far the most stressful in a way that there are data’ s that are easy to obtain and others that are not.

We’ve been to different places such as Barangay Hall, Barangay Health Station, Rural health unit, police station, Municipal and Planning Development Office, Local Civil registry, Department of Agriculture, Motibot Elementary School, 4Ps and Senior Citizens Office and many more just to obtain data’ s necessary  for our presentation and for our barangay which is barangay Motibot, but no matter where we go we still lack some data necessary for our presentation and paper , in which in the near future this will be included in our plans to help fix the system in a way that we could provide a centralize data system or an alternative to it.

The struggle in data collection didn’t end after gathering it because making of graphs, collation of data and analyzing it was the tougher one, since we had a great and coordinated group these things are made easy and possible.

Lastly one thing that you should consider in data gathering is to make sure that the data you are collecting is relevant and useful to minimize waste of time, money and effort.

Nurullaji A. Aguil
ADZU SOM, Level 1


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