Protecting the Lungs of Motibot during the Pandemic

With the current health issues surrounding us today, more and more people are becoming aware and cautious of their health. Barangay Motibot is no different. We felt that this is not only a community health plan against Tuberculosis but also against CoViD-19. Since both disease entities are quite similar in terms of transmission, signs, and symptoms, the current situation and health plan against CoVid-19 becomes an advantage for the prevention of Tuberculosis. This means that social distancing, handwashing, and other precautionary measures done to prevent CoVid-19 is also effective in preventing Tuberculosis in the community. Symptoms such as cough and fever also prompt them to consult because of the pandemic scare. Information dissemination regarding Tuberculosis and its relation to CoVid-19 will also be fast since more people are now dependent on social media as their means of communication and getting news information.


 Although this pandemic has brought us so much crisis and problems, on the bright side, it is good to see that people, even in provincial areas like Sindangan have started to become more health-conscious. This becomes a big step in achieving future health plans because more residents of Motibot will be willing to cooperate and follow health protocols. Indeed, this is the new normal. And the people of Motibot are ready to protect their lungs!




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